Teacher Profile

Join Ontario's Vibrant Network of Rug Hooking Artists and Enthusiasts

Wendie Scott Davis

Teacher Since 2006
Where do you teach? After teaching for a few years in Toronto, my husband and I semi-retired to our old cottage/new home in Parry Sound. After a couple of years there we moved to a bigger community - Peterborough, where I am happy to be near many OHCG Branches.
What do you teach? I have done beginner workshops as well as open classes. The open classes have been great, because I am exposed to many different kinds of projects in one group. I have also had the pleasure of working with hookers of all different levels and experience. The learning opportunities from the different projects are amazing.
Workshops Offering  
    • Learn to hook small portraits from simple value sketches, created from your favourite photos, using online photo editors. Find out other ways your computer can help you fearlessly create impressionist portraits of friends and family members, including the furry ones.
  • Workshop Length
    • 3-4 days
  • Materials
    • Step-by-step tutorials for using the online tools will be emailed to you after the workshop. No charge.
What is your favourite thing to teach? Everything I have taught so far has been very rewarding. I have really enjoyed the variety. I really like smaller projects that allow people to have the same learning, but are finished more quickly for that feeling of gratification. I also like to work with technology in my teaching, sharing the resources that abound on the internet and the various apps available for phones and computers.
How far are you willing to travel to do a workshop? Although I have mostly taught OHCG groups or other schools in Ontario, I have also had the pleasure of teaching in Edmonton and in Newfoundland. If my travel costs are covered, I would be happy to teach just about anywhere. Hookers are hookers everywhere.
What do you like best about teaching? My favourite thing about teaching is the learning. I find every teaching occasion, whether an evening class or a weekend workshop provides learning opportunities galore - for the students and for me. I especially love what I learn from them. If each and every rug teaches us something, a class full of rugs will teach us even more.
What is your favourite tip to share with your students? Experiment with your hooking. Try different styles and colours and subjects and cuts. The more you try, the more you will learn. And it’s fun finding out what appeals to you.