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Interested in Being Involved in the Operation of the OHCG

Interested in Being Involved in the Operation of the OHCG

  • time 2024
    3 - 1
    Tuesday - Saturday
  • time 8:00AM - 5:00PM
  • location

There is a Board opening for Image Advisor.   This a voting Board position.   This role is responsible to ensure photographs are taken of the annual rugs on display and works with the editorial committee.  For more information, please contact the Past President, Suzanne Chaddock suzanne21@rogers.com.

There are two openings on the Editorial Committee who are responsible for receiving, organizing and submitting articles and photographs to our lay out team.   This is not a Board position and therefore has no vote.  Without volunteers to undertake these roles, the quarterly newsletter may not get out on time.  For more information, please contact the Past President, Suzanne Chaddock suzanne21@rogers.com.  You can also speak to Wendie Scott Davis who is remaining on the committee as proofreader wendie.scottdavis@gmail.com or Jayne Nevins jnevins@rogers.com.

We need volunteers to successfully operate.

We are also looking for someone to add to and monitor out Instagram account.    Please consider stepping up.