The Ontario Hooking Craft Guild was established in 1966 to promote the art and craft of rug hooking across the communities of Ontario. We currently have a membership of over 1000 fibre artists supported by 80 certified teachers. The OHCG holds an annual conference, operates virtual workshops as well as workshops for branches, and publishes a quarterly 36-40-page newsletter in glossy magazine format. Join an international network of approximately 1,000 textile artists who share their enthusiasm and experience for the art of traditional rug hooking.
About Us
Learn More About Ontario Hooking Craft Guild
Fostering Creativity and Community
About Us
The OHCG has over 60 branches throughout Ontario and into Quebec. One of these branches is the new Independent Members’ branch. If you are too far from a current branch or simply wish not to join one, you may email our VP, Karen Kaiser, at She will help you find your OHCG home. There are numerous areas, each with a representative. Judy Kielczewski is our Independent Member Representative . Alternately, if you do wish to join a branch, please look at our branch listings at to find the one closest to you!
Formed for the Following Purposes

To encourage excellence of craftmanship.

To foster a sense of beauty in colours and designs.

To provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information among Guild members.

To co-operate with Guilds in other crafts.
Benefits of Belonging to the OHCG
- Receive a copy of our quarterly magazine that contains informative articles and tips plus learn of upcoming events.
- Receive a link to the world of Textile Art / Craft.
- Receive a link to a province wide rug hooking community.
- Access the OHCG Facebook page.
- Participate in the annual business meeting and conferences for members.
- Access the rug hooking teacher accreditation program.
- Receive information about rug hooking suppliers.
- Showcase your work for display and/or judging in one of the nine categories plus the Theme, Rowan, and Craft Ontario Awards, at an annual conference, with the option of taking a workshop.
- Pursue your teaching certification.
Join Ontario’s Vibrant Network of Rug Hooking Artists
and Enthusiasts