Teacher Profile

Join Ontario's Vibrant Network of Rug Hooking Artists and Enthusiasts

Vivien Thompson

Teacher Since 2007
Where do you teach? I teach classes in my basement studio in my home and also rughooking for seniors, for Parks, Forestry and Recreation, on Thursday afternoons. Workshops are generally done in a group setting such as my Agincourt Branch in our regular meeting venue. I am flexible as to where I do my classes.
What do you teach? I have taught a few beginners their first piece and some beginner flowers, in addition to workshops on specific topics (see below).
Workshops Offering Pre-TTEC fine shading courses
What is your favourite thing to teach? I have no real favourite style of hooking. I'm just amazed at all the possibilities.
How far are you willing to travel to do a workshop? I'm willing to travel within one hour of Toronto.
What do you like best about teaching? I enjoy researching my topics and implementing them into teachable course outlines. I love to assist others in producing beautiful rugs and to help them extend their knowledge. Mostly, I enjoy the many friendships I have made.
What is your favourite tip to share with your students? Don't be afraid to make mistakes. They are opportunities to learn more and often are the occasion to have a good laugh about ourselves.